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C.I. Pigment Red 57 calcium salt (7CI) (CAS NO. : 5281-04-9 )
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  • Name: C.I. Pigment Red 57 calcium salt (7CI)
  • CAS NO.: 5281-04-9
  • Synonyms:

    2-Naphthalenecarboxylicacid, 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-methyl-2-sulfophenyl)azo]-, calcium salt (1:1) (9CI);C.I. Pigment Red 57 calcium salt (7CI);Ariabel Rubicon 300501;Brilliant Carmine 4B;Dainichi Brilliant Carmine 6B;ECR 101;Eljon Rubine 5BP;Eljon Rubine 6BP;C Red No 7;Fast Rubine4B;Flexiverse RFD 9587;GraphtolRubine BP;Irgalite Red 4BP;Irgalite Rubine 4BL;Irgalite RubineL 4BD;Irgalite Rubine L 4BF;Irgalite Rubine L 4BJ;Irgalite Rubine L 4BY;IrgaliteRubine LPBC;Isol Bona Magenta 4BY;Isol Bona Rubine 4BK;Isol Ruby BKS Calcium Salt;Japan RedNo. 202;KET Red 307;Kromon Super Crimson;LR 1392;Lake Rubine BC;Lake Rubine SK;LatexolRubine B;Lionol Red 6B-FG4200;Lionol Red 6B-FG4219X;Lionol Red 6B-FG4297G;Lionol Red 6B4290G;Lionol Red Carmine6B-FG4200;Lionol Red FG 4213;

  • Molecular Structure:
  • Molecular Formula: C18H12N2O6S.Ca
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