High Grade Industries India Pvt. Ltd.
Profile: High Grade Industries India Pvt. Ltd. offers specialty chemicals, fire resistant fluids, polymer blends, UV stabilizers and additives. We are specialized in specialty chemicals including activated alumina for application in refineries, petrochemicals and in the purification of drinking water. Our PCS UV 10 UV stabilizer prevents oxidation of polymers and destructive effects of agro chemicals. It gives excellent light stabilization. This is applied in PE blown film, PE fabrics, green house film, woven sack, blow & injection molding applications. Our PCS FLR 20 flame retardant enhances the flame retarding capacity of the polymer. It is applied in blown and cast film applications, injection molding, wire extrusion & in battery manufacturing. Activated alumina is often applied to a broad class of partially dehydrated aluminas, which are calcined at moderate temperatures and are used in myriads of applications such as water purification, air & gas drying & as catalyst carrier & catalysts. The properties of each type of activated alumina are different. These are used to remove heavy metals from petroleum feed stocks in refineries and trace impurities from olefin feed stocks in petrochemical plants. It is also used in the adsorption of HF in alkylation units using HF as catalyst. We also have specialty grades of activated alumina for use in the arsenic and fluoride removal from drinking water.