OBA Speciality Chemicals
Profile: OBA Speciality Chemicals is a manufacturer of optical whitening agents. We are an ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 certified company. Optical whitening agent (OBA) or fluorescent whitening agent (FWA) is added to many substrates to reduce yellowing, improve whiteness, and enhance the brightness of the product. Optical whiteners function by absorbing ultraviolet radiation and re-emitting blue light. The emitted blue light will reduce the yellow color of the substrate and impart a pleasing whiter-than-white appearance. Optical brighteners give more intensity to some colors as well. Different types of optical brightening agent find suitable application on different substrates like cellulose, nylon, silk, wool, paper, detergents, soaps, plastics, printing inks, coatings and polymers. We manufacture a wide range of low, medium and high affinity stilbene based optical brightening agents for the cotton, textile, paper and detergent industries. Our products are available in both powder and liquid forms.