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Alkemists Labs
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Company Information

  • Company Name:

    Alkemists Labs

  • Phone Number:+1-(714)-754-4372
  • Fax Number:


Profile: Alkemists Labs is a cGMP contract testing laboratory, specializing in routine analytical testing and contract research & development services. We offer an array of analytical lab services, that are reliable and make outsourcing very easy. We provide resources to help determine the efficacy and expiration of natural products with shelf-life studies & stability testing. It enables identifying and averting risks in advanced final product quality issues resulting in the loss of product revenues. We offer expertise in the area of method development and validation for natural products & food ingredients. We conduct a regimented study organized around set deliverables and a defined study plan that enables have a proprietary method/obtain routine testing of proprietary natural products. Nutritional labeling is a critical aspect of a product and its'' presentation. Deformulation is an offering that enables better understand the composition and general make-up of a product. We conduct specific tests, in addition to statistically defined approximations of findings for the various components in the formulation.


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MSDS are normally produced by the manufacturer of the product. So any customer can get the MSDS from the manufacturer/supplier of the product. Some universities and businesses have a collection somewhere on their website. We will give some internet-sources MSDS contain information on the properties of chemicals. Mainly they contain basic information to insure the safety and health of the user at all stages of its manufacture, storage, use and disposal.

MSDS Documents

    • 1.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


    • 2.
    • Matheson


    • 3.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


    • 4.
    • Science Lab


    • 5.
    • Fisher Scientific


    • 6.
    • Winchester Division


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Chemicals : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9