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Home > Supplier Listing > C > cantonlaboratories

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  • Phone Number:91-265-2638084
  • Fax Number:91-265-2631950


Established in 1981 Canton today is a leading name in the field of Fine/ Specialty high purity chemicals having four modern manufacturing facilities in Baroda, western India. Our long experience has made us one of the leading manufacturers of fine chemicals and bulk drugs with a large share in the indigenous market. We regularly export to USA and to various countries. Our products enjoy varied application such as pharmaceuticals, food, animal healthcare, Photography, Reagent, Electronics, etc. Vision: Canton to become a forerunner in the speciality chemical market by keeping pace with growing requirements in the world. Mission: Attain Total Customer Satisfaction level through continual improvement of product quality, competitive price and timely delivery, by a professional management approach and strives for growth in global market. Environment Care: We comply with all local and regional environment laws. Audited by authorities frequently, we make and continually improve our efforts to be clean in terms of protecting environment. All our plants follow the guidelines and rules pertaining to hazardous waste management, air and water pollution norms, and other statutory requirements. Associate Companies: Shanpar Industries Pvt. Ltd. who is a global supplier of quality gluconates. This unit has another satellite unit within the close vicinity to share the main plant's work loads.



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MSDS are normally produced by the manufacturer of the product. So any customer can get the MSDS from the manufacturer/supplier of the product. Some universities and businesses have a collection somewhere on their website. We will give some internet-sources MSDS contain information on the properties of chemicals. Mainly they contain basic information to insure the safety and health of the user at all stages of its manufacture, storage, use and disposal.

MSDS Documents

    • 1.
    • Dux Dental


    • 2.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


    • 3.
    • Science Lab


    • 4.
    • Biodiesel Industries


    • 5.
    • Loctite


    • 6.
    • Refrigerant


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