Rhodia Feixiang Specialty Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Established in 1970, Feixiang Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd., is located in Zhangjiagang city of Jiangsu province in china, which is about 110 km from shanghai city and in close proximity of zhangjiagang shipping port on the yangtze river. It is one of leading Chinese manufacturer and exporter of fine chemicals. The company The company has got the approval of the ISO9001: 2000 and ISO 14000 and OHSAS18000 .All of these achievements demonstrates Feixiang's commitment to product quality,production safety and environmental protections.A sustainable development is the ultimate goal of Feixiang. As a State Hi-Tech Enterprise with strong emphasiza on research and development capabilities and collaboration with MNCs, Feixiang Chemicals has business focus on full range of fatty amines and specialty amines,fine organic intermediate, synthetic polymers and functional chemicals.We are committed on delivering to our global customers and the community our high quality products and services. moreover,our core competency is our extensive know-how in Alkyl nitrogen field, such as Alkyl Amine and their derivatives. we are willing to assist our customers in the co-development of special products from customers' applications. Tel: 86 512 58490384/ 58497810 Fax: 86 512 58497000 Web site: www.feixiangchem.com Email: info@feixiangchem.com