Hankuk Electric Glass(HEG) was founded in May 1974. At the early stage, it specialized in manufacturing glass for a tube of monochrome television sets. In 1988, it started to produce a set of glass for color TV tubes.
In December 1995, the company was listed on the Korea Stock Exchange and has completed its construction of second and third plants.
In 1997, the company went through a 77-day-long strike. The management rights of this company have finalized by transferring to the Daewoo Group at the end of the year 1997.
The company has pushed forward with an overall management innovation program since 1998.
As Daewoo confronted a crisis itself, the ownership was passed over to Asahi Glass of Japan in late 1999.
We have established local corporation at April of 2003 in China and completed its construction. However, we have had a break) on April 28, 2004, and have finally restarted to produce on June 18, 2004 without any concerns.
Our business goal used to be advancing our product to TFT-LCD board glass. We were aware of getting an approval during the council on July 23 and had a contract as a joint venture with Asahi glass that is holding ultra technology and launch business.
(We ordered decide to set sail the new artificial person with that confer joint venture contract including Asahi Glass and investment ratio and gain approval in council.)
-The name of Company(English):Asahi Glass Fine Techno Korea Co., Ltd.
-Capitlal : USD 44,776 thousand
-Investment fee : 1,096 hundred million won
-Capital rate : HEG : 33% (171 hundred million won) Asahi glass : 67% (348 hundred million won) Total : 100% (519 hundred million won)
Around sometime in August of this year, we began to ship the grinding wheel in Gumi where the fourth industrial complexes are. We planned to come to the commerce production in July 2005.
We are expecting stable supply of LCD parts that demands gradually increasing through this business. Also, we are looking forward to deal with fulfilling the demand for our country importation needs by producing a great board glass.
Besides, the spearhead technology of Asahi Glass鎶?frothing method had an internal income that contributed epochal in LCD business development. Of course that offers a large field of new jobs.
Hereby HEG established CRT Glass business with raising its competitive power, successful execution of local corporation investment in China and advancing TFT-LCD board glass advance. It had accomplished the business diversification with well-equipped nitrate for a kind of corporation.