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mher-lilus llc
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Company Information

  • Company Name:

    mher-lilus llc

  • Phone Number:374 93 967398
  • Fax Number:374 93 967398


Due to your request we are glad to introduce Mher-LilusS LLC to you. Our company is functioning in RA starting from 1996. We are one of the leading producers of bleach for laundry under brand name LILUS in Armenia. Our product is famous for its special substance that affords the protection of clothes and automatic machines. In addition to the production of the bleach,detergent powder, dishwashing liquid, our company is supplying domestic market with different detergents. Our company provides high quality and compatitive prices of products that satisfy the needs of market. We are cooperating with various international organizations, manufacturers companies. In domestic market our company is functioning both through its own shops wich are more then 30 specializing in detergent only, and with the cooperation of nearly 82% of different other shops and wholeseller s. The distribution of the channels are covered with the help of our trucks and sells managers as well as in cooperation with others. We are proud to mention that due to our hard work and high quality we were able to cover the needs of every region in our country. There is no village we are not able to make our products available. The products are now being exported to the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh.


  • 7681-52-9 Hypochlorousacid, sodium salt (1:1)

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MSDS are normally produced by the manufacturer of the product. So any customer can get the MSDS from the manufacturer/supplier of the product. Some universities and businesses have a collection somewhere on their website. We will give some internet-sources MSDS contain information on the properties of chemicals. Mainly they contain basic information to insure the safety and health of the user at all stages of its manufacture, storage, use and disposal.

MSDS Documents

    • 1.
    • Science Lab


    • 2.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


    • 3.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


    • 4.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


    • 5.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


    • 6.
    • Helm


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