Founded in 2005, The Wonder Synthesis (Beijing) Science and Development Co., Limited is a high and new technology company specialized in research, development and production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), drug intermediates and OLED, which are widely used in pharmacutical,bilogical and chemical industries and production of liquid crystal display screen. The company boasts strong competitive advantages by our high calibre technial staff with profound professional backgroud. With twenty laboratories, two middle stage test workshops and four production workshops, we are capable of accepting orders varing form 100 grams to 10 tons, thus meeting the requirements of different customers. We have established good business relationship with chemical and phamacutical endusers all over the world and our products are sold to India, North America, Europe,Southeast Asia and North Africa.
"Endeavoring to do still better and returning on sociaty"has long been our motto. We always endeavor to provide our customers with high quality products with the lowest price. We sincerely hope to be your turstworthy partener and our only garentee is our good faith, advanced technology and reliable quality.