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Zhejiang Zengxin Chemistry Co.,Ltd
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Company Information

  • Company Name:

    Zhejiang Zengxin Chemistry Co.,Ltd

  • Phone Number:86-21-53088022
  • Fax Number:86-21-53088789


ZHEJIANG ZENGXIN CHEMISTRY CO.,LTD (established in 1994)concentrates on manufacturing fine chemicals with phosphor and its derivatives. With advanced equipment and keeping strong R&D power,We are high and new technique enterprice which has passed the ISO-9001 and ISO-14001, ZENGXIN takes a leading position in Chinese phosphorous chemical industry .


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MSDS are normally produced by the manufacturer of the product. So any customer can get the MSDS from the manufacturer/supplier of the product. Some universities and businesses have a collection somewhere on their website. We will give some internet-sources MSDS contain information on the properties of chemicals. Mainly they contain basic information to insure the safety and health of the user at all stages of its manufacture, storage, use and disposal.

MSDS Documents

    • 1.
    • Acros Organics


    • 2.
    • Science Lab


    • 3.
    • Science Lab


    • 4.
    • Ncifcrf


    • 5.
    • Acros Organics


    • 6.
    • Sigma-Aldrich


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Chemicals : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9