Liaoning Tianhe Fine Chemicals Company Ltd.
Profile: Liaoning Tianhe Fine Chemicals Company Ltd. specializes in providing lubricating oil additives and fluoride products. Our fluoride products include perfluoroalkyl iodide, 1,1,2,2-tetrahydrofluoroalkyl iodide, perfluoroalkyl ethyl acrylate, and perfluoroalkyl ethyl alcohol. Our perfluoroalkyl iodide can react with ethylene to produce perfluoroalkyl ethyl iodide. It is used as an intermediate for the production of fluorinated surfactants, and low surface energy coatings. Our lubricant additive intermediates include polyisobutylene succinic anhydride, dioctane primary phosphorodithioic acid, and propyl octane primary-secondary phosphorodithioic acid.