Liaoyang Guanghua Chemical Co., Ltd
Profile: Liaoyang Guanghua Chemical Co., Ltd manufactures organic sulphur. We are an ISO 9001 certified company. Our sulfolane is used in the petrochemical and fine chemical industries. The sulfolane extraction process is used for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons for gasoline, jet fuels and special boiling point solvents. It combines liquid-liquid extraction with extractive distillation to recover high purity aromatics from reformate/hydrotreated pyrolysis naphtha feeds. As a polymerization solvent, sulfolane is used in a number of systems, such as water soluble polysaccharide polymers prepared from a glucose solution in sulfolane with a phosphoric acid catalyst. Cellulose acetate and polylactams benefit from the addition of sulfolane to act as a plasticizer.