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Biocaxis Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Home > Supplier Listing > B > Biocaxis Chemicals Co., Ltd.

Company Information

  • Company Name:

    Biocaxis Chemicals Co., Ltd.

  • Phone Number:+86-(21)-64250676
  • Fax Number:+86-(21)-64250676


Profile: Biocaxis Chemicals Co., Ltd. specializes in the research & manufacture of nucleosides, nucleotides, fine chemicals,and food additives. Our products include adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil, thymine, xanthine, tioguanine, adenylic acid, disodium 5''-guanylate, deoxyadenosine monophosphate, adenosine diphosphate, polyinosinic acid, polycytidylic acid, and ultraviolet absorbers. Disodium guanosine 5''-monophosphate is a flavor enhancer with a mushroom taste. It is clear and colorless. Polycytidylic acid is used in the therapy of herpes simplex keratitis and herpes zoster. It offers good effects to Hepatitis B, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, virus flu, and flat wart. It also cures nasopharyngeal and gynecologic cancers.


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MSDS are normally produced by the manufacturer of the product. So any customer can get the MSDS from the manufacturer/supplier of the product. Some universities and businesses have a collection somewhere on their website. We will give some internet-sources MSDS contain information on the properties of chemicals. Mainly they contain basic information to insure the safety and health of the user at all stages of its manufacture, storage, use and disposal.

MSDS Documents

    • 1.
    • Fisher Scientific


    • 2.
    • Fisher Scientific


    • 3.
    • Acros Organics


    • 4.
    • Schering-Plough


    • 5.
    • Exon Mobil


    • 6.
    • Just


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Chemicals : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9